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Rights & Duties

In O.G.D., all members both possess fundamental Rights, as they are also bound to an equal number of Duties. ​As rights grow, so do the duties.

All Members of the Order Possess these Rights

I.   The Right to own and know the Manifesto, Constitution, Ordinances, and Byelaws of the Order.​


II.   The Right to know the Lineage and History of the Order and grade they hold.​ ​


III.  The Right to attend all meetings of their Temple to which their grade allows.​​


IV.  The Right to possess the written and oral teachings and material that belongs to their grade.​ ​


V.   The Right to possess the regalia that belongs to their grade.​


VI.  The Right to be heard in all discussions open for their grade.


VII. The Right to present themselves as members of the Order of the Golden Dawn.​ ​


VIII.  The Right to a certificate stating their grade.​


IX.   The Right to progress through the Grades of the Order, if they complete the tasks, trials, and attainments needed to advance.


X.    The Right to request to become a lineage holder, to start a Temple, and become an Imperator of a Temple.​


XI.   The Right to a Mentor.​ ​


XII.  The Right to report any grievance to all their immediate Temple superiors, and if they are not heard, to finally appeal their case to the Senatus, and Preceptor directly.​


XIII. The Right to partake in the lineage of the Tradition. ​

All Members of The Order are Obligated to Fulfil these Duties

I. The Duty to comprehend & uphold the Manifesto, Constitution, Ordinances, and Byelaws of the 

II. The Duty to continue the work of our Predecessors: the perpetuation of the Lesser & Greater Mysteries, and the Mystery of Mystery.

III. The Duty to attend all meetings of their Temple in the grades that they may hold.

IV. The Duty to keep secret, sacred, and alive the written and oral teachings and material that belongs to their grade.

V. The Duty to preserve, use, and manifest the regalia in their lives and Work.

VI. The Duty to be respectful in all discussions available for their grade.

VII. The Duty to never reveal the name of another member, their position, or the internal works of the Order.

VIII. The Duty to fulfill the work and oaths of their grade.

IX. The Duty to actively partake in developing the knowledge, quality and depth of the Grades of the 
Order, and aid others in their progress on the path.

X. The Duty to aid in the conferral of Initiations, the founding of Temples, Porches, and Cloisters, and 
their work.

XI. The Duty to guide others.

XII. The Duty to report to their superiors any breaches of these Laws, or any grave neglect in the duties of Officers, directly to the Concilium, or if needed, to the Senatus and Preceptor directly.

XIII. The Duty to find a successor, so that the tradition does not end.


As rights grow, so do the duties.


Initiation fees & membership dues


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